Firewater Logo

Firewater has evolved – and so has our brand

By Mark Stecker

Firewater Rebranded

The world has changed, and with that, Firewater is changing things up.  

After 24 years of growing in the digital game – from a start-up in a spare room in Blairgowrie, to having operations split between Johannesburg and Sydney – we’ve been there, done that, and got the T-shirt.

The T-shirt has gone through many spin-cycles, but we’ve never stopped amplifying, hustling, developing, thriving, and learning. We’ve also never stopped adapting.


Firewater rebranded tshirt


‘Adapt or die’, they say, but the past two years have shown us that it’s 100 percent true. How many companies have had to close their A-grade office doors, deal with The Great Resignation (now the Great Reshuffle), or just try keep their heads above very choppy water?  

So, Firewater is realigning and shifting gears. We’re ready for the next part of our evolution, and we’re kicking harder than Cobra Kai. But it’s because we truly understand the meaning, and necessity, of adaptability.

We’ve walked the talk, got that T-shirt, and now we have the logo to prove it.


Firewater adaptable agency


Flexible branding for an adaptable agency

As much as I loved our fireball icon, we needed to modernise. The new logo talks to our ability to think on our feet and out of the box, and our love for creativity that’s clever.

Importantly, it’s adaptable to any background, theme, or application – we can use it anywhere, anytime. The same way Firewater, and our services, are adaptable.  

Our new logo is inspired by flexible branding, which is a fluid visual identity that allows branding to adapt to any environment. This type of branding really speaks to us as a digital marketing agency in 2022: Firewater is constantly evolving, and we’re highly flexible when we work with our clients.

We’re not losing our identity – we just look slicker than ever

With flexible branding – and adaptable logos, like ours – you can use different fonts, colours, backgrounds, scaling, anything, while at the same time maintaining your brand’s personality. Today’s brands must stand out, start conversations, and meet the customer (or potential customer) where they are: they adapt.

That’s why our new logo can be used for any industry, platform, device, environment, vertical, client, or need. It can also be animated or static, and it’s responsive to any application (it scales depending on the size of the screen it’s viewed on).


Firewater Logo Application


Even though it’s fluid and can merge with anything, our logo maintains the Firewater personality. I love that the ‘E’ is made up of a hamburger menu, referencing our digital beginnings, present, and future. It’s also playful, and I think we’re going to have a lot of fun with it – as Stillmen, we’re all about having fun. It's still us, Firewater: we’re just looking slicker than ever in 2022.

Seth Godin says, “Change almost never fails because it's too early. It almost always fails because it's too late” and I agree with this. Change is as good as a holiday but it’s also a given. We’ve created a brand that’s adaptable to a world that’s constantly changing, and I’m proud to share it with you.

I’m ready to have fun, chuck out the T-shirt, and see where 2022 takes us.

Need a flexible, game-changing digital strategy for these ever-changing times? Get in touch, we’ll show you how.

Why not drop us a message?